Studying by distance learning doesn't mean you'll be on your own. We’ll be with you every step of the way to support, mentor and assist you with your studies and study planning. Support from our student advisors
If you need help to plan your study our Student Advisors can help you:
If you’re already studying with us we can help you work out how many courses you need to finish your qualification, and ensure you meet the requirements to apply to graduate. Lecturer support
Every course has a lecturer who is an expert in the subject, and skilled at teaching by distance learning. They are committed to helping you achieve your study goals.
They’ll guide you through the coursework and make sure you understand the course materials. They will also be active in the online course pages. They will respond to questions, lead and encourage discussion and check your progress.
Entering into study and embarking on a new career is nerve wracking. That’s how you know it is important to you. We have all been there and are here to support you every step of the way.
They’re only a message, phone call or email away to answer any questions, and give you the help you need when you need it.
They’re only a message, phone call or email away to answer any questions, and give you the help you need when you need it. Before you start your course you’ll get the name and contact details of your lecturer. If you ever have trouble getting in touch with them or have issues with your studies, contact the admission service.
The support from staff is excellent. The supportive comments of our lecturers are the force that developed the student confidence to get this far and push even further. Study with ePolytechnic F laid the foundation for everything that came after it, including the confidence necessary to succeed after ePolytechnic F.
Assignment support
When it comes to assignment writing, they can help with:
They can also give you feedback on two paragraphs of your assignment by giving examples and ideas for improving your writing structure and grammar. Note: This feedback is not a writing review, or editing and proofreading service. It does not include feedback on your assignment content or reference list.