As computing power gets engineered into everything we own — from communications tools to the buildings we occupy and the vehicles we pilot — industry looks for skilled computer engineers. These high-salary, high-responsibility careers call on your training in Embedded System Design, Digital Logic Design and Machine Intelligence.
The B.S. in in Computer Engineering combines the hardware background and aptitude of electrical engineering with the firmware and software writing skills of computer science. Computer engineers design and build embedded microcontrollers, VLSI chips, analog sensors, mixed signal circuit boards, and operating systems — and guide how these parts integrate into the larger picture. Whether you select from one of five concentrations, you will graduate with a flexible degree and hands-on experience attractive to employers.
Computer engineers will play a central role in the development of the Internet of Things — helping to collect and exchange data on a massive scale across billions of connected devices (autonomous and electric vehicles, smart grid, situational awareness for smart health, crowdsourcing based services, and security for smart cities).
The Department of Computer Engineering offers a comprehensive curriculum that favors a pragmatic, problem solving approach to both the body (hardware) and mind (software) components of computing. The program builds upon a mathematically rigorous foundation, while challenging you with physics and chemistry to round out your ability to frame problems and think analytically. Once you have the practice of these fundamentals, you will be more confident as you move on to the initial electrical engineering elements of the curriculum: circuits, digital logic design, systems and signals, and microcomputers. Your experience will culminate with a yearlong senior capstone project.
Students can design their own four-course concentration within the major based on their personal academic and professional pursuits. This unique combination of courses works in concert with other co- and extra-curricular activities, including research experiences, internships, and a wide variety of opportunities in our student organizations. Advanced Topics offers the student the flexibility in curriculum choices to grow with their changing interests as they look forward to graduation, graduate school, and their professional endeavors.
This concentration focuses on project-based and intensive courses grounded in robotics, autonomy, real-time operating systems, and systems engineering, and includes methods to analyze, model and control robotic mechanisms in the fundamentals of kinematics, dynamics and the design and implementation of motion trajectory planning algorithms. Additional topics include state estimation and dynamic parameter identification of a robotic system. Students will learn about embedded systems control, computer vision, localization and planning, mapping algorithms, and sensor integration into real-time operating systems. Students design, assemble, and program a scale-model autonomous, self-driving vehicle. The concentration will also provide the theoretical and practical basis required for understanding Digital Image Processing fundamentals and their applications on gray and colored images as it relates to autonomous robotic programming.
The Digital Logic Design program at ePolyTechnic F provides students with a strong foundation in logic principles, practical experience in programming digital circuits and hands-on training in electrical component integration for a high-powered career in high tech.
Embedded systems are designed to handle a particular task within a larger mechanical or electrical system. These complex systems are everywhere—in hybrid vehicles, aircraft, medical devices, traffic lights, factories, automobiles, communication switching systems, biomedical instruments, industrial robots, household appliances and video game consoles.
The field of Machine Intelligence involves the disciplines of advanced machine learning, reasoning and self-correction, as well as the abilities of machines to perceive, move, manipulate and communicate. Graduates will be prepared for a career in machine intelligence where they will develop programming strategies for machine learning and pattern recognition.
Bachelor of Science, Computer Engineering (Plan of Study)
Concentrations in Advanced Topics, Digital Logic Design, Embedded System Design, Machine Intelligence, Autonomous Robotic Systems
Course offering frequency subject to change
ESLS 1106 - Academic & Professional Skills Credits: 1
FEIDS 1380 - Introduction to STEM Credits: 3
PENC 1101 - English Composition 1: Expository and Argumentative Writing Credits: 3
ECHM 2045 - Chemistry 1 Credits: 3
ECHM 2045L - Chemistry 1 Laboratory Credits: 1
EMAC 2311 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1 Credits: 4
PEGN 1007C - Concepts and Methods for Engineering and Computer Science Credits: 1
EPHY 2048 - Physics 1 Credits: 3
EPHY 2048L - Physics 1 Laboratory Credits: 1
PENC 2210 - Technical Writing Credits: 3
FCOP 2271C - Introduction to Computation and Programming Credits: 3
EMAC 2312 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus 2 Credits: 4
EPHY 2049 - Physics 2 Credits: 3
EPHY 2049L - Physics 2 Laboratory Credits: 1
FCOP 3337C - Object Oriented Programming Credits: 3
EMAC 2313 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus 3 Credits: 4
Social Science General Education: History Credits: 3
FEIDS 2144 - Legal, Ethical, and Management Issues in Technology Credits: 3
EMAD 2104 - Discrete Mathematics Credits: 3
PMAP 2302 - Differential Equations Credits: 3
PEEL 3111C - Circuits 1 Credits: 4
PEEL 3702C - Digital Logic Design Credits: 3
FSTA 3032 - Probability and Statistics Credits: 3
PEEL 3112C - Circuits 2 Credits: 3
PEEE 3310 - Digital Electronics Credits: 3
FCOP 3530 - Data Structures & Algorithms Credits: 3
PEEL 4746C - Microcomputers Credits: 3
ECNT 3004C - Introduction to Computer Networks Credits: 3
FMAS 3105 - Linear Algebra Credits: 3
PEEL 3135 - Systems and Signals Credits: 3
PEEL 4768C - Computer Architecture and Organization Credits: 3
Arts and Humanities General Education Credits: 3
FEIDS 4941 - Professional Experience Internship Credits: 0
PEEE 4510 - Digital Signal Processing Credits: 3
FCOP 4610 - Operating Systems Concepts Credits: 3
PEEL 4914C - Senior Design 1 Credits: 3
Computer Engineering Concentration Credits: 3
Computer Engineering Concentration Credits: 3
PCEN 4010 - Software Engineering Credits: 3
PEEL 4915C - Senior Design 2 Credits: 3
Computer Engineering Concentration Credits: 3
Computer Engineering Concentration Credits: 3
Any Arts, Humanities, or Social Science required or optional: Credits: 3
Students select one concentration for twelve hours of credit.
Advanced Topics - Students choose nine (9) credits from courses in the CE concentrations and three (3) credits from Computer Engineering electives.
ECDA 4210 - VLSI Design Credits: 3
PEEE 4351 - Electronic Devices Credits: 3
PEEL 4794 - Power Aware Design Credits: 3
CE concentration course or CE elective Credits: 3
ECDA 3631C - Embedded Operating Systems Credits: 3
PEEL 4724 - Hardware Design with FPGAs and Reconfigurable Computing Credits: 3
PEEL 4685C - Embedded Control Credits: 3
CE concentration courses or CE elective Credits: 3
FCOP 3330C - Computer Programming 2 Credits: 3
PCAP 4410 - Computer Vision Credits: 3
PEEL 4759 - Digital Image Processing Credits: 3
PCAP 4612 - Machine Learning Credits: 3
CE concentration course or CE elective Credits: 3
PEEL 4664C - Kinematics and Control of Robotic Systems Credits: 3
PEEL 4660C - Autonomous Robotic Systems Credits: 3
PEEL 4759 - Digital Image Processing Credits: 3
CE concentration course or CE elective Credits: 3
PENT 2112 - Entrepreneurial Opportunity Analysis Credits: 3
EMAD 3401 - Numerical Analysis Credits: 3
or any 3000 or 4000 level course with the following prefixes: PCAP, PCEN, FCIS, ECNT, FCOP (except FCOP 4415 and FCOP 4531), PEEL, PEEE
The courses below are used to fill in the General Education requirements noted in the above four-year sequence.
Required, one from the following:
PARH 2000 - Art Appreciation Credits: 3
EHUM 2020 - Introduction to the Humanities Credits: 3
PLIT 2000 - Introduction to Literature Credits: 3
EPHI 2010 - Introduction to Philosophy Credits: 3
Optional, one from the following or one more from Arts and Humanities require or Social Sciences:
FEIDS 2144 - Legal, Ethical, and Management Issues in Technology Credits: 3
EHUM 2022 - Explorations in the Humanities Credits: 3
Required, one from the following:
PAMH 2020 – Managerial History Credits: 3
EPSY 2012 - General Psychology Credits: 3
FECO 2013 - Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: 3
Optional, one from the following or one more from Social Science required or Arts and Humanities:
PAMH 2020 – Managerial History Credits: 3
FECO 2023 - Principles of Microeconomics Credits: 3
PAMH 2930 - Special Topics Credits: 1-3
Chair: Ali Shida, Professor
Toulfai Nashif, Associate Professor
Abdul Naisah, Associate Professor
Jorge Loumni, Associate Professor
Suleiman Foussela, Assistant Professor
Balasil Ubramaniyan, Assistant Professor
Denita Harish, Assistant Professor
Xirita Hisham, Assistant Professor