Hands-on experiences with a dynamic and progressive online teaching environment give ePolytechnic F graduates profound technical knowledge, an ability to solve technical problems, apply principles, think critically, innovate, and communicate. Tinkerers, builders, experimenters and students with military backgrounds thrive in ePolyTechnic F programs.
Technologies that push our local industries forward
ePolyTechnic F programs emphasize practice-based eLearning via hands-on labs using state-of-the-art equipment. We solve real-world problems in the process of eLearning engineering and technology. We require Math and Science but not the depth of Engineering or Computer Science programs. Our focus is on the technologies that push our local industries forward.
We are committed to providing you with supported, flexible study options that suit your needs. Our multi award-winning blended learning model replaces paper-based theory with a combination of face-to-face teaching and user-friendly eLearning that can be completed anytime, anywhere. You will be guided through a range of interactive eLearning activities and resources, developed by professional learning designers in collaboration with ePolytechnic F's educators. You will further develop your skills online with practical workshops and work placements if required. Our blended learning environment keeps you connected with our teachers throughout your eLearning journey, with a range of support services and assistance available.
Professional Jobs
ePolyTechnic F programs lead to professional jobs in the engineering and technology fields. A majority of ePolyTechnic F students will be employed in the field before picking up their diplomas. Programs in ePolyTechnic F focus on design, construction, and the implementation of technology.
The aim of governance at the ePolyTechnic F is to:
The underpinning principles of good governance are openness, inclusivity, integrity and accountability. The ePolyTechnic F supports these principles in ensuring that:
The ePolyTechnic F’s governing body is the Council. It is particularly concerned with the institute’s overall strategy, finances, property and staff, and is supported by a number of subcommittees. The Council has the ultimate authority within the ePolyTechnic F, but it has to respect the views of the Senate in academic matters.
The Senate is the academic authority of the ePolyTechnic F, responsible for academic strategy, policy, priorities and performance. Below it is a substructure consisting of policy committees and faculty or central academic unit committees.
The Charter also identifies the roles and responsibilities of the Officers of the institute, key figures within the governance structure such as the Chancellor, Pro-Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor. The Officers of the ePolyTechnic F should not be confused with the institute’s executive team (Vice-Chancellor’s Executive). Some Officers are members of the executive, but others are not.
The ePolyTechnic F has an astonishing track-record of using new and emerging technologies to make higher education available to all people around the world.
Walter Amedzro St-Hilaire, Chancellor of The ePolyTechnic F
The ePolyTechnic F teaches through its own unique method of distance learning, called ‘supported open learning’, which is:
Our modules are developed by multi-disciplinary course teams comprising:
This model has helped to build the institute's reputation for innovation, rigour and quality and has been adopted by distance teaching institutions worldwide.
ePolyTechnic F courses are underpinned by research of international excellence and are subject to rigorous external scrutiny. In addition, a world-leading programme of research into teaching strategies and educational technologies ensures that our materials are effective and appropriate for large-scale online learning.
The ePolyTechnic F has a network of more than 5,000 online tutors – the largest in the world. Tutors mark assignments, provide detailed written feedback, and offer support to students by telephone, email, or computer conferencing. They also run group or online tutorials and day schools. Some are full-time members of staff, but most are associate lecturers: experts in their subject who combine their work as tutors with other academic or industry jobs.
Students are assessed through tutor-marked and computer-marked assignments, oral or practical assessments, projects, examinations, dissertations and portfolios. External examining ensures that we maintain academic standards and provides an independent view of the assessment process.
Arrangements for assuring quality of academic provision, standards of awards and quality of student learning experience are outlined in a our quality and standards fact sheets.