If you have the aptitude and interest to learn the most relevant core computer science ideas and skills, you will enjoy an almost endless variety of career opportunities - from cybersecurity to gaming to digital product development and management.
Learn to disrupt and adapt to change.
The B.S. in Computer Science gives you the broad computational thinking, programming, and problem-solving skills you’ll need to succeed as a computing professional in a range of emerging careers and industries - from automated vehicles to biomedical devices and sensor-based technologies. Whether you select from one of three concentrations (game development and simulation, cyber-security, software engineering) or choose from advance topics, you will graduate with a comprehensive foundation that enables you to adapt to new disruptive technologies and changing demand.
The Department of Computer Science offers a comprehensive curriculum that favors a pragmatic, problem-solving approach to computing. The program builds upon a mathematically rigorous foundation, while challenging you with physics, chemistry, and other sciences to round out your ability to frame problems and think analytically. Once you have the practice of these fundamentals, you will be more confident as you move on to the theory, design, development, and application of software and software systems. Your experience will culminate with a yearlong senior capstone project.
Students can design their own four-course concentration within the major based on their personal academic and professional pursuits. This unique combination of courses works in concert with other co- and extra-curricular activities, including research experiences, internships, and a wide variety of opportunities in our student organizations. Advanced Topics offers the student the flexibility in curriculum choices to grow with their changing interests as they look forward to graduation, graduate school, and their professional endeavors.
Students focusing on autonomous systems learn programming, hardware, and security for use in complex networks or collections of networks. Autonomous systems increasingly run our workplaces, vehicles, and even our homes.
Students in Big Data Analytics learn to collect, manage and optimize large-scale structured and unstructured data sets to facilitate information and decision-making. Students in Big Data Analytic develop a strong foundation in essential programming skills, quantitative analysis, and hardware and software solutions for facilitating effective use of big data.
Game Development and Simulation is an interdisciplinary concentration that applies the rigor of computer science to the creative challenges of game development. With a core curriculum in computing, mathematics and science, this concentration combines advanced technical skills with training in the visual arts to prepare students to develop innovations in digital gaming.
The Health Systems Engineering concentration program prepares the architects of tomorrow’s healthcare system to take on its most urgent and complex challenges. Health systems engineering involves a multidisciplinary approach that applies engineering and analytic principles to all aspects of healthcare. Students in the program gain real-world experience with industry experts and a multidisciplinary faculty to prepare students for a career leading change in healthcare.
With the increasing footprint of networked businesses, embedded computers, and global conflict, the demand is increasing for individuals to help protect and monitor security measures against hackers and breaches. The cyber-security concentration focuses on information assurance and computer security and will provide you with hands-on experience designing systems and strategies for safeguarding information.
Software engineers apply the principles of effective management of software teams. This growing field includes orchestration of application software engineers who create and maintain computer applications, and systems software engineers who analyze the client’s technical needs and develop and maintain optimal solutions. Because nearly all employment sectors rely on complex software solutions, software engineering is one of the fastest-growing occupations in the world.
Bachelor of Science, Computer Science (Plan of Study)
Concentrations in Advanced Topics, Game Development & Simulation, Information Assurance & Cyber Security, Software Engineering, Autonomous Systems, and Big Data Analytics
Course offering frequency subject to change
ESLS 1106 - Academic & Professional Skills Credits: 1
FEIDS 1380 - Introduction to STEM Credits: 3
PENC 1101 - English Composition 1: Expository and Argumentative Writing Credits: 3
EMAC 2311 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1 Credits: 4
Select 4 credits from the following Natural Science General Ed electives:
FBSC 1010 - Biology 1 Credits: 3
FBSC 1010L - Biology 1 Laboratory Credits: 1
ECHM 2045 - Chemistry 1 Credits: 3
ECHM 2045L - Chemistry 1 Laboratory Credits: 1
PEGN 1007C - Concepts and Methods for Engineering and Computer Science Credits: 1
EPHY 2048 - Physics 1 Credits: 3
EPHY 2048L - Physics 1 Laboratory Credits: 1
PENC 2210 - Technical Writing Credits: 3
FCOP 2271C - Introduction to Computation and Programming Credits: 3
EMAC 2312 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus 2 Credits: 4
EPHY 2049 - Physics 2 Credits: 3
EPHY 2049L - Physics 2 Laboratory Credits: 1
EMAD 2104 - Discrete Mathematics Credits: 3
FCOP 3337C - Object Oriented Programming Credits: 3
FMAS 3114 - Computational Linear Algebra Credits: 3
FCOP 3353C - Introduction to Unix Credits: 2
FSTA 2023 - Statistics 1 Credits: 3
DIG 2520C - Digital Media Production Credits: 3
FCOP 3809C - Advanced Topics in Programming Credits: 3
FCOP 3710 - Database 1 Credits: 3
ECDA 2108 - Introduction to Computer Systems Credits: 3
PEEL 3702C - Digital Logic Design Credits: 3
ECNT 3004C - Introduction to Computer Networks Credits: 3
FCOP 4415 - Data Structures Credits: 3
FCOP 4531 - Algorithm Design & Analysis Credits: 3
Select from Art & Humanities Required List Credits: 3
FEIDS 4941 - Professional Experience Internship Credits: 0
PMAP 2302 - Differential Equations Credits: 3
EMAD 3401 - Numerical Analysis Credits: 3
PCEN 4010 - Software Engineering Credits: 3
PCAP 4630 - Artificial Intelligence Credits: 3
PEEL 4768C - Computer Architecture and Organization Credits: 3
Computer Science concentration Credits: 3
Computer Science elective Credits: 3
FCOP 4610 - Operating Systems Concepts Credits: 3
FCOP 4934C - Senior Design 1 Credits: 3
Computer Science concentration Credits: 3
Computer Science concentration Credits: 3
Select from Social Science Required List Credits: 3
FEIDS 2144 - Legal, Ethical, and Management Issues in Technology Credits: 3 Fulfills Humanities requirement
FCOP 4020 - Programming Languages Credits: 3
FCOP 4935C - Senior Design 2 Credits: 3
Computer Science concentration Credits: 3
Select any Art & Humanities or Social Science course (see Note): Credits: 3
Students select one concentration for twelve hours of credit.
Advanced Topics - Select 12 credits from Big Data Analytics, Game Development & Simulation, Information Assurance & Cyber-Security, Software Engineering, Autonomous Systems, or Computer Science Electives courses.
PCAP 4786 - Topics in Big Data Analytics Credits: 3
FCOP 3729C - Database 2 Credits: 3
PCAP 3774 - Data Warehousing Credits: 3
PCAP 4770 - Data Mining & Text Mining Credits: 3
Take courses in the following order:
PCAP 4730 - Computer Graphics Credits: 3
PCAP 4052 - Game Design and Development 1 Credits: 3
PCAP 4034 - Computer Animation Credits: 3
PCAP 4056 - Game Design and Development 2 Credits: 3
FCIS 4362 - Applied Cryptography Credits: 3
FCIS 4367 - Computer Security Credits: 3
FCIS 4203 - Digital Forensics Credits: 3
FCIS 4204 - Ethical Hacking Credits: 3
PCEN 4073 - Software Requirements Engineering Credits: 3
PCEN 4065 - Software Design and Architecture Credits: 3
PCEN 4072 - Software Verification and Quality Assurance Credits: 3
PCEN 4722 - User Interface and User Experience Credits: 3
FCOP 4421C - Autonomous Systems Programming Credits: 3
PCAP 4612 - Machine Learning Credits: 3
PCAP 4613 - Applied Deep Learning Credits: 3
PCEN 4721 - Human Computer Interaction Credits: 3
Computer Science Electives
Students may choose electives from courses below or courses from other concentrations.
FCOP 2034 - Introduction to Programming Using Python Credits: 3
FCOP 3834C - Web Application Development Credits: 3
PCEN 4088 - Software Security Testing Credits: 3
PCAP 4122 - Virtual Reality Credits: 3
PCEN 4213 - Embedded Systems Programming Credits: 3
FCIS 4369 - Web Application Security Credits: 3
ECNT 4409 - Network Security Credits: 3
PCAP 4410 - Computer Vision Credits: 3
FCOP 4520 - Introduction to Parallel and Distributed Computing Credits: 3
ECNT 4526 - Wireless and Mobile Networking Credits: 3
PCAP 4612 - Machine Learning Credits: 3
FCOP 4620 - Compilers and Interpreters Credits: 3
FCOP 4656 - Mobile Device Applications Credits: 3
PEEL 4660C - Autonomous Robotic Systems Credits: 3
PCEN 4721 - Human Computer Interaction Credits: 3
PCAP 4830 - Modeling and Simulation Credits: 3
FCOP 4930 - Special Topics Credits: 1-3
NOTE: The courses below are used to fill in the General Education requirements noted in the above four-year sequence. Students must take 12 credits total from Arts and Humanities and Social Sciences. Computer Science Majors take FEIDS 2144, which counts for 3 hours from the Humanities optional list. Three additional hours must come from the Humanities required list.
In Social Sciences, three must come from the required list. An additional three credits may come from any other general education Arts and Humanities or Social Science course.
Students must fulfill the program’s history requirement. While PAMH 2020 satisfies both requirements, if students have satisfied the requirement in some other way, they are encouraged to take a different PAMH course. Fulfilling the requirement independent of PAMH 2020 does not satisfy the state’s core requirement for social sciences: one of the required social science courses must still be taken.
Computer Science majors must select one from the required list and FEIDS 2144.
Required, one from the following:
PARH 2000 - Art Appreciation Credits: 3
EHUM 2020 - Introduction to the Humanities Credits: 3
PLIT 2000 - Introduction to Literature Credits: 3
EPHI 2010 - Introduction to Philosophy Credits: 3
Optional, select from the following:
FEIDS 2144 - Legal, Ethical, and Management Issues in Technology Credits: 3 Required for Computer Science majors
EHUM 2022 - Explorations in the Humanities Credits: 3
Required, one from the following:
FECO 2013 - Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: 3
EPSY 2012 - General Psychology Credits: 3
Optional, select from the following:
PAMH 2020 – Managerial History Credits: 3
PAMH 2930 - Special Topics Credits: 1-3
FECO 2023 - Principles of Microeconomics Credits: 3