Apply the principles of design, analysis and manufacturing to create and test mechanical systems ranging from massive to microscopic in size. Choose a focus in Nanotechnology, Operations Research or Materials and Advanced Manufacturing.
The B.S. in Mechanical Engineering combines quantitative, design and technical knowledge with hands-on skill in preparation for one of the world’s most versatile and in-demand professions. From nano-scaled innovations in medicine to the future of space flight, mechanical engineers design the future.
Great mechanical engineering — especially in a world of so many potential solutions and choices — marries products with the user experience of owning, operating and leveraging the product. That’s why ePolyTechnic F brings design into all four years of the student experience.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers a comprehensive curriculum (grounded in foundational mathematics and physics) that prepares you for professional work or further graduate study. Design is integrated throughout the curriculum. You will gain experience with engineering computer software and a range of laboratory tools as you progress toward upper level coursework and a yearlong senior capstone project.
Students can design their own four-course concentration within the major based on their personal academic and professional pursuits. This unique combination of courses works in concert with other co- and extra-curricular activities, including research experiences, internships, and a wide variety of opportunities in our student organizations. Advanced Topics offers the student the flexibility in curriculum choices to grow with their changing interests as they look forward to graduation, graduate school, and their professional endeavors.
Aerospace focuses on industries in which engineers design or build aircraft, missiles, and systems for national defense, or spacecraft. Complementing your general mechanical engineering principles, you study subjects such as propulsion, stability and control, structures, mechanics, and aerodynamics, which is the study of how air interacts with moving objects. As you look forward, this provides you with additional courses to pursue career options at aerospace companies, etc., and may spark an interest in undergraduate research and advanced study in graduate school
The field of materials and advanced manufacturing focuses on engineering composite materials with unique capabilities that improve safety, efficiency and versatility. The design of new smart materials and systems has major implications for the defense, aerospace, energy and semiconductor industries. This concentration will give you a strong foundation in the fabrication, characterization, modeling and prototyping of such materials.
The broader state is home to several companies and firms that the support agriculture processing, mining, power-production, and green/eco-construction industries. Common themes or threads within these industries is the need for large machinery to transmit large mechanical forces, operate under high pressures within a thermodynamic cycle, convert energy, and or heat or cool areas in extreme/semi-extreme environments. The student will build on their mechanical engineering core courses with a focus on more specific topics in the traditional areas of mechanical engineering including Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning, Computer Manufacturing and Control, Energy Conversion and Sustainability, and Principles of Turbomachinery.
Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering (Plan of Study)
Concentrations include Aerospace, Materials & Advanced Manufacturing, Mechanical & Thermal Systems (MTS), Nanotechnology, Operations Research, and Advanced Topics.
See Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering (Program Description)
ESLS 1106 - Academic & Professional Skills Credits: 1
FEIDS 1380 - Introduction to STEM Credits: 3
PENC 1101 - English Composition 1: Expository and Argumentative Writing Credits: 3
ECHM 2045 - Chemistry 1 Credits: 3
ECHM 2045L - Chemistry 1 Laboratory Credits: 1
EMAC 2311 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1 Credits: 4
PEGN 1007C - Concepts and Methods for Engineering and Computer Science Credits: 1
PHY 2048 - Physics 1 Credits: 3
PHY 2048L - Physics 1 Laboratory Credits: 1
PENC 2210 - Technical Writing Credits: 3
FCOP 2271C - Introduction to Computation and Programming Credits: 3
EMAC 2312 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus 2 Credits: 4
PEGN 2001C - Skills and Design 1 Credits: 2
EPHY 2049 - Physics 2 Credits: 3
EPHY 2049L - Physics 2 Laboratory Credits: 1
EMAC 2313 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus 3 Credits: 4
PEGN 3311 - Statics Credits: 3
Select from Social Science Required List Credits: 3
PEGN 2002C - Skills and Design 2 Credits: 2
PMAP 2302 - Differential Equations Credits: 3
PEGN 3321 - Dynamics Credits: 3
PEGN 3331 - Strength of Materials Credits: 3
PEGN 3365 - Structure and Properties of Materials Credits: 3
PEGN 3015C - Mechanical Lab Design 1 Credits: 2
PEEL 3111C - Circuits 1 Credits: 4
PEGN 3343 - Engineering Thermodynamics Credits: 3
FSTA 3032 - Probability and Statistics Credits: 3
Mechanical Engineering Concentration course Credits: 3
FEIDS 4941 - Professional Experience Internship Credits: 0
PEGN 3016C - Mechanical Lab Design 2 Credits: 3
PEML 3015 - Fluid Mechanics Credits: 3
PEML 3811 - Mechatronic Systems Credits: 3
Select from Arts and Humanities Required List: Credits: 3
Mechanical Engineering Concentration course Credits: 3
EML 4950 - Engineering Design Senior Capstone 1 Credits: 3
EML 4140 - Heat Transfer Credits: 3
Mechanical Engineering Concentration course Credits: 3
Advanced Math/Science Elective Credits: 3
Any Arts, Humanities or Social Science Credits: 3
EML 4951C - Engineering Design Senior Capstone 2 Credits: 3
Mechanical Engineering Concentration course Credits: 3
Any Arts, Humanities or Social Science: Credits: 3
Free Elective Credits: 3
And select one (3 credits) mechanical engineering CORE elective:
PEGN 4350C - Finite Element Analysis in Mechanical Engineering Credits: 3
EML 4225 - Introduction to Vibrations and Controls Credits: 3
EML 4500 - Design and Analysis of Machine Components Credits: 3
Students select one concentration for 12 hours of credit.
Advanced Topics
Students select any four ME elective courses to create their own concentration in Advanced Topics.
Students may select a combination of 12 hours of credit (4 - 3-credits courses) from any, Mechanical Engineering concentration courses, ME CORE electives (in addition to required 1 ME Core elective) or Advanced Topics electives.
Select four (4) courses.
EAS 4010 - Flight Performance Mechanics Credits: 3
EAS 3101 - Fundamentals of Aerodynamics Credits: 3
EAS 4200 - Introduction to Aero Structures Credits: 3
EAS 4505 - Orbital Mechanics Credits: 3
PEGN 4715 - Propulsion and Combustion Systems Credits: 3
PEGN 4334 - Mechanics of Composite Materials Credits: 3
EIN 3390 - Manufacturing Processes Credits: 3
EMA 3050 - Introduction to Inorganic Materials Credits: 3
EMA 3066 - Introduction to Organic Materials - Polymers Credits: 3
EML 4542 - Materials Selection in Design and Manufacturing Credits: 3
EML 4600 - Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Credits: 3
EML 3401 - Principles of Turbomachinery Credits: 3
EML 3452 - Energy Conversion and Sustainability Credits: 3
EML 3535 - Computer Manufacturing and Control Credits: 3
EMA 3530C - Introduction to Instrumentation and Characterization Credits: 3
EML 4532C - Advanced Nanoscale and Materials Instrumentation Credits: 3
EMA 3084 - Fundamentals of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Credits: 3
BME 4575 - Nanoscale Interfaces Credits: 3
Select four (4) courses.
PMAN 2591 - Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management Credits: 3
PEGN 3448 - Operations Research Credits: 3
FEGS 3625 - Engineering & Technology Project Management Credits: 3
PEGN 3466 - Discrete Event Simulation Credits: 3
PMAN 3610 - Global Logistics Management Credits: 3
PMAN 4558 - Lean Operations Management Credits: 3
PMAN 4594 - Reverse Logistics Credits: 3
PMAN 4522 - Planning and Control Systems for Supply Chain Management Credits: 3
Any 3XXX-level or above mathematics or basic science course in the catalog for which the pre-requisites have been met.
ECHM 4411 - Survey of Physical Chemistry Credits: 3
EMAD 3401 - Numerical Analysis Credits: 3
FMAS 3105 - Linear Algebra Credits: 3
FMAS 3114 - Computational Linear Algebra Credits: 3
PHZ 4404 - Introduction to Solid State Physics Credits: 3
Or any 3XXX-level or above mathematics or science course for which the pre-requisites have been met.
Students in Mechanical Engineering have one free elective in the program. To fulfill this course requirement, students choose from any other course.
Other Mechanical Engineering Elective
PEGN 4445 - Experimental Optimum Engineering Design Credits: 3
Select 1 course. Additional courses in this list count in Advanced Topics.
PEGN 4350C - Finite Element Analysis in Mechanical Engineering Credits: 3
EML 4500 - Design and Analysis of Machine Components Credits: 3
EML 4225 - Introduction to Vibrations and Controls Credits: 3
Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
The courses below are used to fill in the requirements noted in the above four-year sequence. Students must take 12 credits total from Arts and Humanities and Social Sciences. Credits may be split evenly between the categories, or students may choose to take 9 credits in one category and 3 in the other.
Select 3 to 6 credits from the following courses:
Required, one from the following:
PARH 2000 - Art Appreciation Credits: 3
EHUM 2020 - Introduction to the Humanities Credits: 3
PLIT 2000 - Introduction to Literature Credits: 3
EPHI 2010 - Introduction to Philosophy Credits: 3
Optional, the following or one more from Arts and Humanities required or Social Sciences:
FEIDS 2144 - Legal, Ethical, and Management Issues in Technology Credits: 3
EHUM 2022 - Explorations in the Humanities Credits: 3
Select 3 to 6 credits from the following courses. Three credits must come from a History course.
Required, one from the following:
EPSY 2012 - General Psychology Credits: 3
FECO 2013 - Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: 3
Optional, one from the following or one more from Social Science required or Arts and Humanities:
PAMH 2020 – Managerial History Credits: 3
PAMH 2930 - Special Topics Credits: 1-3
FECO 2023 - Principles of Microeconomics Credits: 3