Engineering Physics, which directly supports EPolyTechnic F’s vision to prepare 21st Century innovators, focuses on the use of physics principles in the analysis and evaluation of engineering problems such as sustainability, medicine and nanotechnology. Engineering physicists are critical to technological advances which, in turn, drive economic development and enable innovation in medicine, national security, energy, transportation and other critical components of our economy and quality of life.
Physics… the shared language of what’s next.
The B.S. in Engineering Physics attracts students who want to pursue careers that lead the advances in applied science, advanced technology, and engineering. Engineering physics requires a strong aptitude in science and mathematics. This program serves students who like to apply analytic knowledge to technical problems. ePolyTechnic F’s Engineering Physics program will encourage you to develop lab and technical skills (computers, lasers, optics, electronics) so that you advance beyond learning physics and actually do physics.
The Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics is offered within the Department of Natural Sciences in the Division of Science, Arts, and Mathematics (SAM). The program allows students with strong interests in both physics and engineering to concentrate their studies in the common areas of these disciplines. The program prepares students to be knowledgeable in conceptual understanding of physics and its application in engineering and other technical environments. All Engineering Physics majors participate in an interdisciplinary capstone project under the guidance of a faculty member. The Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics offers three concentrations: Physics of Medicine, Physics of Space and Physics of Energy and Sustainability.
As power generation continues to be a primary focus of research spending and industry change, an engineering physics degree with a concentration on the Physics of Energy and Sustainability puts you in position to thrive. This concentration considers a variety of energy generation methods (solar, wind, hydro, tidal, and geothermal), energy storage methods and energy conservation. Jobs related to renewable energy lie in a wide range of areas including engineering, business, marketing, finance, installation, software, legal affairs, and research. Projections suggest that employment opportunities in the renewable energy field will increase dramatically in the near future.
Physics has a role to play in all aspects of medicine, including technology development, research, and direct patient care. Many medical specialties rely upon the application of the concepts and methods of physics to the diagnosis and treatment of human disease — especially cancer research, diagnosis and treatment. By earning a B.S. in Engineering Physics with a Physics of Medicine concentration, you can find balance between the human element and the scientific element and be well positioned for a fast-growing and rewarding career.
With a global space economy valued at about $350 billion and expected to triple in size, the need for people trained in engineering physics with a concentration on the Physics of Space will continue to grow. The B.S. in Engineering physics with a concentration on the Physics of Space includes an astrophysics lab component, with experiments covering magnetic fields, optical interference and diffraction, wave polarization, line spectroscopy, photoelectric effect and radioactive decay.
Bachelor of Science, Engineering Physics (Plan of Study)
ePolyTechnic F’s Engineering Physics degree program will prepare students for careers in engineering where physics principles can be applied to the advancement of technology. The Engineering Physics program will develop enough depth in both engineering and physics skills to produce engineers who can relate fundamental physics to practical engineering problems and will possess the versatility to address new problems in our rapidly changing technological base. Graduates of the Engineering Physics program will apply their strong problem-solving skills as physicists along with an understanding of the approach, methods, and requirements of engineering and engineering design for a successful career in advancing technology. Graduates of the Engineering Physics program will also use their strong skills in problem solving, research experience and knowledge in physics and engineering as successful graduate students and researchers in highly ranked graduate programs. Overall, the B.S. degree program in Engineering Physics will prepare the aspiring students be knowledgeable in conceptual understanding of Physics and critical thinking encompassed with problem solving skills.
The B.S. Engineering Physics degree program is offered within the Department of Natural Science and in the Division of Science, Arts and Mathematics (SAM). Our B.S. degree in Engineering Physics has concentrations in (i) Physics of Medicine, (ii) Physics of Space, (iii) Physics of Energy and Sustainability and (iv) Advanced Topics. The Physics of Medicine concentration is also designed to be a “pre-med” concentration, with common medical school requirements embedded in the curriculum.
ePolyTechnic F’s Engineering Physics degree program is built on several key themes which cover theoretical and practical aspects of the applications of Physics and Math to:
By studying for an Engineering Physics degree, students will learn a wide range of transferable skills, which are highly valued by employers. Some of these transferable skills are such as problem solving, team-working, communication skills, multi-disciplinary, computing skills, logical thinking etc.
ESLS 1106 - Academic & Professional Skills Credits: 1
FEIDS 1380 - Introduction to STEM Credits: 3
PENC 1101 - English Composition 1: Expository and Argumentative Writing Credits: 3
EMAC 2311 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1 Credits: 4
Select 4 credits from the following Natural Science General Education electives:
FBSC 1010 - Biology 1 Credits: 3
FBSC 1010L - Biology 1 Laboratory Credits: 1
ECHM 2045 - Chemistry 1 Credits: 3
ECHM 2045L - Chemistry 1 Laboratory Credits: 1
PEGN 1007C - Concepts and Methods for Engineering and Computer Science Credits: 1
FCOP 2271C - Introduction to Computation and Programming Credits: 3
PENC 2210 - Technical Writing Credits: 3
EPHY 2048 - Physics 1 Credits: 3
EPHY 2048L - Physics 1 Laboratory Credits: 1
EMAC 2312 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus 2 Credits: 4
EPHY 2049 - Physics 2 Credits: 3
EPHY 2049L - Physics 2 Laboratory Credits: 1
EMAC 2313 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus 3 Credits: 4
PEGN 2001C - Skills and Design 1 Credits: 2
Select 4 credits from the following Natural Science General Education electives:
FBSC 1010 - Biology 1 Credits: 3
FBSC 1010L - Biology 1 Laboratory Credits: 1
FBSC 1011 - Biology 2 Credits: 3
FBSC 1011L - Biology 2 Laboratory Credits: 1
ECHM 2045 - Chemistry 1 Credits: 3
ECHM 2045L - Chemistry 1 Laboratory Credits: 1
ECHM 2046 - Chemistry 2 Credits: 3
ECHM 2046L - Chemistry 2 Laboratory Credits: 1
EPHY 3101 - Introduction to Modern Physics Credits: 3
EPHY 3101L - Modern Physics Laboratory Credits: 2
PMAP 2302 - Differential Equations Credits: 3
Arts and Humanities Required course Credits: 3
Select 4 credits from the following Natural Science General Education electives:
FBSC 1010 - Biology 1 Credits: 3
FBSC 1010L - Biology 1 Laboratory Credits: 1
FBSC 1011 - Biology 2 Credits: 3
FBSC 1011L - Biology 2 Laboratory Credits: 1
ECHM 2045 - Chemistry 1 Credits: 3
ECHM 2045L - Chemistry 1 Laboratory Credits: 1
ECHM 2046 - Chemistry 2 Credits: 3
ECHM 2046L - Chemistry 2 Laboratory Credits: 1
FEIDS 4941 - Professional Experience Internship Credits: 0
PHY 4221 - Introduction to Classical Mechanics Credits: 3
PHY 4604 - Introduction to Quantum Mechanics Credits: 3
PEGN 3343 - Engineering Thermodynamics Credits: 3
Engineering Physics Concentration Course Credits: 3
Arts and Humanities Course Credits: 3
PHY 4323 - Introduction to Electromagnetism Credits: 3
PHZ 4404 - Introduction to Solid State Physics Credits: 3
PHY 3752C - Physics of Scientific Instruments Credits: 3
Engineering Physics Concentration Course Credits: 3
Engineering Physics Concentration Course Credits: 3
EPHY 4151C - Computational Physics with Lab Credits: 4
EPHY 4910 - Undergraduate Research 1 Credits: 3
PHZ 4442 - Physics of Semiconductors Credits: 3
Arts and Humanities Course Credits: 3
Engineering Physics Concentration Course Credits: 3
EPHY 4911 - Undergraduate Research 2 Credits: 3
EPHY 4930 - Special Topics in Physics Credits: 3
Engineering Physics Concentration Course Credits: 3
Engineering Physics Concentration Course Credits: 3
Arts, Humanities, or Social Sciences Elective Course Credits: 3
AST 3222 - Introduction to Astrophysics Credits: 3
AST 3271 - Astrophysics Laboratory Credits: 1
AST 4220 - Astrophysics 1 Credits: 3
AST 4221 - Astrophysics II Credits: 3
AST 4341 - Hydrodynamics and Plasma for Astrophysics 1 Credits: 3
AST 4402 - Galaxies and Cosmology Credits: 3
EML 3015 - Fluid Mechanics Credits: 3
ECHM 3217 - Organic Chemistry (One Semester) Credits: 3
ECHM 3217L - Organic Chemistry Laboratory (One Semester) Credits: 1
ECHM 3218 - Biochemistry (One Semester) Credits: 3
BME 3312 - Molecular and Cellular Engineering Credits: 3
PHZ 3361 - Radiation Detection and Measurement Credits: 3
PHZ 4702 - Biomedical Physics 1 Credits: 3
PHZ 4703 - Biomedical Physics 2 Credits: 3
PEEL 4283 - Renewable Energy Systems Credits: 3
PEEL 3111C - Circuits 1 Credits: 4
PEEL 3287 - Renewable Energy and Sustainability Credits: 3
PEEL 3287L - Renewable Energy & Sustainability Lab Credits: 1
EML 3452 - Energy Conversion and Sustainability Credits: 3
EMA 4491 - Nanotechnology and Materials for Energy Storage and Generation Credits: 3
EMA 3530C - Introduction to Instrumentation and Characterization Credits: 3
FBSC 1010 - Biology 1 Credits: 3
FBSC 1010L - Biology 1 Laboratory Credits: 1
FBSC 1011 - Biology 2 Credits: 3
FBSC 1011L - Biology 2 Laboratory Credits: 1
ECHM 2045 - Chemistry 1 Credits: 3
ECHM 2045L - Chemistry 1 Laboratory Credits: 1
ECHM 2046 - Chemistry 2 Credits: 3
ECHM 2046L - Chemistry 2 Laboratory Credits: 1
Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
The courses below are used to fill in the requirements noted in the above four-year sequence. Students must take 12 credits total from Arts and Humanities and Social Sciences. Credits may be split evenly between the categories, or students may choose to take 9 credits in one category and 3 in the other.
Select 3 to 6 credits from the following courses:
Required, one from the following:
PARH 2000 - Art Appreciation Credits: 3
EHUM 2020 - Introduction to the Humanities Credits: 3
PLIT 2000 - Introduction to Literature Credits: 3
EPHI 2010 - Introduction to Philosophy Credits: 3
Optional, the following or one more from Arts and Humanities required or Social Sciences:
FEIDS 2144 - Legal, Ethical, and Management Issues in Technology Credits: 3
EHUM 2022 - Explorations in the Humanities Credits: 3
Select 3 to 6 credits from the following courses. Three credits must come from a History course.
Required, one from the following:
EPSY 2012 - General Psychology Credits: 3
FECO 2013 - Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: 3
Optional, one from the following or one more from Social Science required or Arts and Humanities:
PAMH 2020 – Managerial History Credits: 3
PAMH 2930 - Special Topics Credits: 1-3
FECO 2023 - Principles of Microeconomics Credits: 3