Teaching by distance learning: Our programmes are designed exclusively for distance learning. Our online courses include a range of rich content to engage you – readings, videos, interactive elements, case studies, quizzes and activities, and forums.
Our lecturers are experts at teaching by distance learning. It’s what they do. They will be with you every step of the way to encourage you, and ensure you understand the course content. They will help you gain the skills and knowledge you need, so that you can succeed. If you need other support or help, we’ve got a range of people here for you. With ePolytechnic F, you’re not alone.
It fits in with other important priorities I have. There is a virtual classroom where you can connect with other students and there is fantastic support from lecturers. It really doesn't feel like you are alone at all. I also like being able to log-in remotely, pick up the study at a time of day or night that works for me, and continually make progress at a pace that is reasonable, given my lifestyle and other commitments. It is an excellent option and the resources available are fantastic.
We designed our online learning platform, MyePolytech, with distance and online learning in mind. We created it to work for online students. We created it for students who need to study where and when they need to. Students who can’t always carry around a load of resources, but can grab their laptop or have their phone at hand. With MyePolytech you get all your course content in one place, as well as a place to contact with your lecturer or other students, and keep your study notes. We’re not the only ones using MyePolytech. We’re proud to say MyePolytech works for distance and classroom learning. It is being used by other training providers, schools, government agencies and organisations.
We know that tertiary education is a big financial commitment for our learners. With that in mind, we’ve worked hard to keep our course costs down. For the next three years ePolytechnic F will not increased our course fees. We will also offer a range of free courses to help encourage people into tertiary education.
Another way we’re working to ensure you get value for money is by putting all the learning resources you need in your online course content. So for most of our courses you won’t need to buy textbooks or extra learning materials.
We work hard to ensure our qualifications will make you ready for the next step in your career. When we develop our programmes we gain input from industry and professional bodies. This helps us ensure we are teaching people the skills needed in today’s workforce. Distance learning with ePolytechnic F means we bring the classroom to you. We'll provide you with all your course content so you can study where and when you need. You will also have access to our academic and support staff to guide you through your studies.
With distance learning you can make study fit with your needs. We give you the flexibility to develop a study routine that works with the rest of your life so you can fit study around work, family, sport or community commitments. Like face-to-face study, distance learning courses have start and end dates, and work to get through in between. So you’ll need discipline and motivation to do the work and complete your assignments on time. The benefit is you decide on your timetable. It’s up to you to work out when and where you study, how much to take on, and how to divide up your study time.
We deliver our courses online using MyePolytech, our learning management system (LMS). With MyePolytech everything you need is in one place. You can access all your course content. And you can use it to ask questions, and join discussions with lecturers and other students. You can also create study notes, bookmark important information and submit your assignments.
Note: For online learning you need a computer, laptop or device, and reliable internet access. Some of our courses are online assisted. This means we send you printed material, which is supported by online content. We also offer some paper-based courses. You will receive printed course materials and readings and post back your assignments. All our courses come with support you can access online. For example, you can talk to your tutor through your online course pages. You can also access our library services, Study tips and techniques, and MyePolytech– your ePolytechnic F home page and account area.
Entering into study and embarking on a new career is nerve wracking. That’s how you know it is important to you. We have all been there and are here to support you every step of the way. The amount of time needed for study is different for everyone.